CloudKitect Components - v2.121.0

Well Architected CloudKitect Components

This package encompasses CloudKitect Components designed according to the Well Architected framework, featuring pre-integrated compliance standards like PCI, MAS, NIST4, ARP, GDPR, and more. To gain access to these CloudKitect Components, customers are required to complete an on-boarding process. During the on-boarding procedure, customers are requested to provide their AWS account ID for inclusion in the CloudKitect managed AWS CodeArtifact repository. To initiate the on-boarding process and utilize the CloudKitect Components in your projects, please contact us at

Local Environment Configuration

After on-boarding customer will update npm config file to use CloudKitect managed AWS Code Artifactory as their npm registry

Edit .npmrc file to add the following entry


Configure AWS CLI

Then AWS cli needs to be configured with credentials for the customer AWS Account used for on-boarding

aws configure --profile npmregistry

Login to Code Artifactory

Then use the following command to login to CloudKitect managed AWS Code Artifactory

aws codeartifact login --tool npm --domain cloudkitect --domain-owner ACCOUNT_ID --repository components-artifacts --profile npmregistry

Create a CDK project

Once the login is successful, you can create a new CDK project by running the following commands

cdk init app --language typescript

This will create a bare bone CDK project.

Adding CloudKitect Components dependency

Open CDK project in your favorite IDE and goto package.json file to add the WA-CDK dependency

"dependencies": {
"@cloudkitect/components": "CURRENT_VERSION"

Install Dependencies

Once package.json file is updated, you can install the dependencies by running the following commands

npm install

Using CloudKitect Components

Now that you have all the constructs available from CloudKitect Components, use them just like any other CDK constructs.

For example the below code snippet we are using CkBucket that extends the Bucket construct provided by AWS CDK

import {CcBucket} from "./ck-bucket";

new CkBucket(this, "MyBucket", {})

Building Java/.Net/Python/Javascript Distribution

Make sure you have the following installed locally

  • Java version 8 install
  • Maven installed
  • DotNet 6.0 or later installed
  • Python3 installed
  • pip3 installed
  • pip symlinked to pip3

You can also use docker superchain if it has all the required packages, current version is on older .NetCore (3.1)

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint sh -v $(pwd)/components:/components jsii/superchain:1-buster-slim-node16

Run JSII Build

npm run jsii-build

Build Packages for all languages

In order to build packages each language has a different configuration setup to use CloudKitect codeartifact as its repository source.


aws codeartifact login --tool dotnet --domain cloudkitect --domain-owner 175815161984 --repository cloudkitect-artifacts --region us-east-1  —profile repo


aws codeartifact login --tool pip --domain cloudkitect --domain-owner 175815161984 --repository cloudkitect-artifacts --region us-east-1 --profile repo


Currently, there is no way to configure Maven to talk to codeartifact, logged a bug with JSII packmak project

Typescript and Javascript

aws codeartifact login --tool npm --domain cloudkitect --domain-owner 175815161984 --repository cloudkitect-artifacts --region us-east-1 --profile repo

After all the logins are successful you can run the following command to create packages.

npm run package

Release Java JSII Packages

Run the following script, once the packages are build in dist folder, update the version in the script


Release Nuget JSII Packages

Run the following script, once the packages are build in dist folder, update the version in the script


Release Python JSII Packages

Run the following script, once the packages are build in dist folder, update the version in the script


Release NPM JSII Packages


For some reason the following script did not work for NPM, I had to put in AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and then ran the

npx publib-npm

CloudKitect Components Version Updates

The version of all CDK packages are fixed to the same version. If an upgrade is desired, please make sure that all CDK packages are upgraded to the same version at the same time. Different versions of CDK mixed in the project may cause type incompatibilities.

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests

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