CloudKitect Event Bus Component.

Default Configuration

Has infinite archive Sends all events to cloudwatch log group in non production environments for debugging Removal Policy: Retain in Production

Default Alarms

  1. Dead Letter Invocations Alarm
    • Risk Level: Low
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability
  2. Ingestion To Invocation Start Latency Alarm
    • Risk Level: High
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability, Performance
  3. Invocations Failed To Be Sent To Dlq Alarm
    • Risk Level: Low
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability

Note that the default alarm uses the CcAlarm construct, which sets up an alarm action to notify the SNS Topic AlarmEventsTopic by default.


Default Usage

new CcEventBus(this, "LogicalId", {});

Custom Configuration

new CcEventBus(this, "LogicalId", {
ccDoNotArchive: true


It addresses the following compliance requirements


  • EventBus
    • CcEventBus


  • Parameters

    Returns CcEventBus


alarms: Alarms = ...

All the default alarms configured for the CloudKitect Fargate Service.


  • This Alarm should be triggered when The number of times a rule’s target isn't invoked in response to an event

    Returns void

  • This Alarm should be triggered when he number of invocations that couldn't be moved to a dead-letter queue

    Returns void

  • This Alarm should be triggered when the number of times a rule’s target isn't invoked in response to an event

    Returns void

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