CloudKitect Aurora Serverless Database Custer component.

Default Configuration

  • Backup Retention: 35 days
  • Removal Policy: Retain

Default Alarms

Note that the default alarm uses the CcAlarm construct, which sets up an alarm action to notify the SNS Topic AlarmEventsTopic by default.


Default Usage

new WaServerlessDBCluster(this, "LogicalId", {});

Custom Configuration

new WaServerlessDBCluster(this, "LogicalId", {
allocatedStorage: 100


It addresses the following compliance requirements

  1. Databases are protected from accidental deletion in production
    • Risk Level: Medium
    • Compliance: NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Operational Excellence
  2. Copy tags to snapshots > - Risk Level: High > - Compliance: NA > - Well Architected Pillar: Operational Excellence
  3. Auto backup
    • Risk Level: High
    • Compliance: NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability
  4. Instance not publicly available
    • Risk Level: High
    • Compliance: PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, ARPA, MAS, NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Security
  5. Backup retention period
    • Risk Level: Medium
    • Compliance: NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability


  • ServerlessCluster
    • CcServerlessDBCluster





alarms: Alarms = ...

All the default alarms configured for the CloudKitect Serverless Database Cluster.

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