CloudKitect SNS Topic component. Assumes SNS Topic master key already exists, if not it will throw an error. In order to create master key, just create a test topic in that account then delete it.

Default Configuration

Encryption: KMS Managed Removal Policy: Retain in Production

Default Alarms

  1. Number Of Notifications Failed Alarm
    • Risk Level: High
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability
  2. Number Of Notifications Failed To Redrive To Dlq Alarm
    • Risk Level: Low
    • Well Architected Pillar: Reliability, Operational Excellence

Note that the default alarm uses the CcAlarm construct, which sets up an alarm action to notify the SNS Topic AlarmEventsTopic by default.


Default Usage

new CcTopic(this, "LogicalId", {});

Custom Configuration

new CcTopic(this, "LogicalId", {
masterKey: customerMasterKey


It addresses the following compliance requirements

  1. Enable server side encryption
    • Risk Level: High
    • Compliance: PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, APRA, NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Security
  2. Configure alarms for production only
    • Risk Level: Low
    • Compliance: NA
    • Well Architected Pillar: Cost Optimization


  • Topic
    • CcTopic


  • Parameters

    Returns CcTopic


alarms: Alarms = ...

All the default alarms configured for the CloudKitect SNS Topic.


  • Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns undefined | IKey

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