Interface CcTableV2Props

CloudKitect DynamodDB Table Component Properties

interface CcTableV2Props {
    ccAlwaysAddDefaultAlarms?: boolean;
    ccDoNotAddDefaultAlarms?: boolean;
    ccDoNotEnableDefaultAutoScaling?: boolean;
    ccEnhancedBackup?: boolean;



ccAlwaysAddDefaultAlarms?: boolean

This flag is used to always add the default alarms irrespective of the environment the stack is deployed.

ccDoNotAddDefaultAlarms?: boolean

This flag is used to skip the default alarms irrespective of the environment the stack is deployed.

ccDoNotEnableDefaultAutoScaling?: boolean

CcTable automatically enables the autoscaling of the read / write capacities if the billing mode is provisioned. For both the read and write capacities, the min capacity is set to 1 and the max capacity is set to 10. The scaling is based on utilization with target utilization being 70%. Set this flag to true if such a default autoscaling is not desired.

Default Value

ccEnhancedBackup?: boolean

Enable enhanced backup on this bucket


Enabled in production environment

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