Class CpServerlessContainerApps

CloudKitect Serverless Container App


  • Construct
    • CpServerlessContainerApps



cfWaf?: CcCloudfrontWaf

WAF associated with CloudFront Distribution

cloudFront: CcDistribution

CloudFront distribution created for sending traffic to load balancer

fargateCluster: CcFargateCluster

ECS fargate cluster

httpsListener?: ApplicationListener

Https Listener configured for the public ALB

publicAlb: CcPublicApplicationLoadbalancer

Publicly accessible Application Load Balancer

publicAlbWaf?: CcApiGatewayWaf

WAF associated with Public ALB

vpc: CcVpc

VPC where ECS cluster is launched


  • Parameters

    • title: string
    • alarms: CcAlarm[]
    • dashboard: Dashboard

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • dashboard: Dashboard

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • ecsService: CcFargateService
    • dashboard: Dashboard

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • dashboard: Dashboard

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • dashboard: Dashboard
    • logGroup: CcLogGroup

    Returns void

  • Adds a Microservice as a new ECS Service to the cluster It will have its own TaskDefinition and will run as a task managed by ECS Service


    Returns ServiceConfig

  • Build dashboard for the ECS service


    Returns Dashboard

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