CloudKitect Virus Scanner Pattern Properties It will scan every file that is uploaded to the fileUpload S3 bucket, it will first download the file to the EFS filesystem, then it will invoke the virus scanner lambda for scanning that file. Virus scan results are then sent to the event bus for further processing

Input: A Bucket where the file will be uploaded Output: FileScanned Event with following details.

"DomainId": "UUID",
"EventTime": "ISO_FORMAT",
"EventId": "UUID",
"CorrelationId": "UUID",
"UserId": "UUID",
"EventType": "DOMAIN",
"EventName": "FileScanned",
"DomainName": "File",
"IpAddress": "",
"Payload": {
"Source": "VirusScanner",
"FileUploadBucket": BUCKET_NAME,
"Path": FILE_PATH,
"Message": "Message",
"Size": "FileSize",
"Version": 1

Note: Event is sent to EventBus if the status is CLEAN/INFECTED and sent to SQS error Queue if statis is ERROR

Infrastructure Diagram

Virus Scanner Infrastructure

Default Configuration

INFECTED files are sent to eventbus with status: INFECTED CLEAN files are sent to eventbus with status: CLEAN Files that result in scan error are send to the error SQS queue

Default Alarms

None Note that the default alarm uses the WaAlarm construct, which sets up an alarm action to notify the SNS Topic AlarmEventsTopic by default.


Default Usage

new CpVirusScanner(this, "X8VS", {
cpVpc: vpc,
cpEventBus: eventBus,
cpFileUploadBucket: fileUpload,

Custom Configuration

new CpVirusScanner(this, "X8VS", {
cpVpc: vpc,
cpEventBus: eventBus,
cpFileUploadBucket: fileUpload,


It addresses the following compliance requirements

  1. Virus scanning customer uploaded files is required by most of the compliance standards
    • Risk Level: Medium
    • Compliance: PCI, HIPAA, APRA, MAS, NIST4
    • Well Architected Pillar: Security


  • Construct
    • CpVirusScanner



cleanFileRule: Rule

Rule for sending clean files source is VirusScanner statis is CLEAN

efsDefsPath: "virus_database/" = 'virus_database/'

Directory where virus definitions are downloaded

efsMountPath: string = ...

EFS Mount

efsRootPath: "/lambda" = '/lambda'

Root path for virus scanner lambda

infectedFileRule: Rule

Rule for sending infected files source is VirusScanner statis is INFECTED

s3Gateway: GatewayVpcEndpoint

S3 Gateway endpoint for S3 Buckets

scanErrorDestination: IDestination

The Lambda Destination for failed on erred scans [ERROR, IN PROGRESS (If error is due to Lambda timeout)].

scanErrorQueue: CcQueue

SQS where error messages are sent

virusScannerLambda: DockerImageFunction

Lambda that scans the files


  • get scanAssumedPrincipal(): ArnPrincipal
  • Returns ArnPrincipal

    ArnPrincipal the ARN of the assumed role principal for the scan function


  • Parameters

    • bucket: IBucket

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • bucket: IBucket

    Returns PolicyStatement

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